The ZN12-O-2WP is a point dendrometer with two potentiometers on a ring-shaped frame offered in different sizes to optimally fit small stems, roots and branches 1-8 cm in diameter. Available diameter frames for holding two potentiometers: 100 mm (ZN12-O100), 80 mm (ZN12-O80).
- Ring-shaped carbon fiber (CFK) frame combined with stainless steel elements
- Weather proof linear motion potentiometers, infinite resolution
- Three different frame sizes for an optimal application to stems, branches and roots with 1-8 cm in diameter
- Easy to mount
- Data sheet ZN12-O-2WP to download for more details
- Price: ZN12-O80-2WP: CHF 1500.-, ZN12-O100-2WP: CHF 1600.- (excl. VAT)
- Reductions apply for orders of more than 10 items
- Watch video instruction on how to mount a ZN12-O-WP in combination with a DecentLab wireless logging solution